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"Jennifer Lopez’s production company chose to develop

one of David’s projects into a feature film

- because David Samson is an extremely

funny writer

and highly gifted storyteller.

From books to scripts to hilarious concepts,

David is shrewdly clever and remarkably insightful.

It would be hard to find anyone who is more witty

- or more of a pleasure to work with!"

-Bob Kosberg,

Head of the Feature Film Division

at Nash Entertainment.


He has produced and developed movies with

Brad Pitt, Charlize Theron,

Jennifer Lopez, Bruce Willis,

Ben Stiller and Arnold Schwarzenegger

for major studios including

Warner Bros and Dreamworks.

"David is a very funny, very instinctive ad guy.

He always has a different slant on solving any client's problem.

The key is that David understands the crucial link between humor and information, so that the message always remains fresh and memorable."


-Stan Becker,

Chief Creative Officer

Saatchi and Saatchi Advertising

"It was a stroke of genius!

David Samson's solution involved

only a minor investment in materials,

but resulted in what has turned out to be

a permanent increase in sales revenue

of more than 30 percent above what I had been used to.

I wish I had hired him years ago!"


-Chuck Mellon, Tony Robbins Wealth Mastery Expert

"I love

David Samson's humor:

It's cutting edge, clever, and extremely entertaining.

His work uses humor to convey important lessons.

It's savvy, sophisticated, and

can add significant value to drab content,

no matter what the media or project.

The power of David's humor

should definitely be in your arsenal

to achieve the results you want!"


-Robert W. Bly,

Author of

100 Published Books

"David Samson is one of the most creative sorts

I have ever worked with.

Not only was his advertising approach ingenious,

it was also hard-hitting and to-the-point.



-Ron Davis,

Global Business Centers, Beverly Hills


"Your guidance and advice catapulted me

to the land of successful writers.

Through David Samson's help, I was able to write a proposal

that commanded the attention of many agents.

Your wit and inspiration enabled me to develop

and express my own personal writing style. 

Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you."


-Dr. Debra Mandel, Author,

Healing The Sensitive Heart

"David's four panel ad layouts beautifully reflected

the charm of our Venice Beach Eco Cottages,

with eye-catching headlines

that got our green philosophy across clearly." 


-Karel J., Venice Beach Eco Cottages

"The ads looked like Fine Wine Magazine ads 

- but they had a real twist to them!

We appreciated your ad campaign,

and so did our visitors.

It was wonderfully cutting-edge!" 


John and Carmel Whitman,

Old Creek Ranch Winery

"David is just about the funniest copywriter 

I've ever worked with.

But the great response he gets from clients

is certainly no joke!" 


Erica Ress Martin,

Executive Marketing Strategist

(Married to the retired CEO of Proctor & Gamble)


"The Tagline

David created

really branded me!

He was a crucial part of the team

shaping our project from the start

and always keeping our goals in mind.

His experience proved to be invaluable

and all of his talents were generously contributed

towards making our promotion a success

that was featured in major industry magazines."


-Dave Moser,

Award Winning

Portrait Photographer

"David created an amusing and timely Press Release

for his client that pulled in

over 100 responses

from media outlets

requesting interviews.

Our company worked with David

to help reach specific contacts

including TV and Radio Producers,

as well as Editors at Print Publications.

The promotion and follow-up

were an outstanding success

that we are very proud of!" 


-Eileen Salmas,

Senior National Account Manager,

"Through the years I have seen many

intriguing advertising concepts.

Yet I can't think of any person as effective as David

in producing witty strategies,

or who have such an electric effect on

getting their client’s customers to spend!"


-Jay Levin, 

Founder of The L.A. Weekly

"David Samson wrote the funniest book I ever read.

By no small coincidence,

I also sold it." 


-Frank Weimann,

Folio Literary Management


"Your contribution to my Honda Promotion

was shrewd and on-target

– the concept was just what was needed

for totally reaching our readers.

You and your great team are definitely

my go-to guys

when we need to get projects off-the-ground!"


-Ramona Cox,

Sky Chick Adventures

"David came up with the theme

that caught the eyes of potential clients.

It captured the magnitude of our business

without us coming off as arrogant or self-satisfied.

Did I mention David has a

really terrific sense of humor as well!" 


-Adam Taylor,

President, APM Music

"David thinks unlike anyone you have ever met.

His wit, insight and unique ability to craft a catchy, witty,

contagious tag lines separates him from the pack.

‘Out of the box’ or ‘pushing the envelope’

doesn't begin to describe his creative process."


-Lloyd A. Silverman,

Film Producer,

Academy Award Nominated Film

"Snow Falling On Cedars"

"David’s work gets people’s immediate attention

and then keeps them focused.

As a direct response and marketing expert

with over 30 years experience,

I know how difficult that can be.

Without question,

I can say that David knows what he’s doing.

It’s much more than just being funny.

He knows how to connect

and close the deal with clients and consumers.

Now that’s big!" 


-Ron Grabell,

Grabell Vaida Media Consultant


"I have known David Samson for many years.

Without question he has remained effective

through all the rapidly advancing changes

in marketing, branding,

and new client acquisition.

To me, this is tangible proof that

David must be terrific at what he does.

For consistency over time is the

real measure of success!"


-Annie Jennings,

Annie Jennings PR

"David Samson is one of the funniest,

most versatile writers around.

He has a knack for taking tough material

and making it workable!" 


-Michaela Hamilton,

Executive Editor, Kensington Books

"Without a doubt, David's creative efforts

on the advertising front enhanced our visibility in the marketplace.

The coordination of all the sales and marketing materials was first rate. The images you selected were hysterical and memorable.

We're in the call center business,

but you got OUR phones to ring."


-Rob Clayman,

Secure Call Management

"I consulted with David on my book.

He is an exciting talent to work with.

With coruscating brilliance, David’s laser-intense humor

never ceases to cut through layers

of professionalism and artifice

to access the genuine heart and soul of the matter.

No one can make you laugh faster than David Samson.

His sense of humanity and irony

will delight you with laughter." 


-Rochelle Ohrstrom,


Ponzi and Picasso


"Our old website was a catastrophe!

It was turning people off.

David came up with strategic Tag Lines

and Postcard Marketing

that was targeted to our market

and captured attention.

His team designed a terrific new website

with tons of Pizzazz.

The results have been terrific!

We get lots of compliments on it.

Now our website not only looks beautiful,

but also really tells the story behind our small family winery!"


-Deane & Christine Foote,

Owners, Foot Path Winery

"Speeches can be boring. Believe me I know. 

As an attorney,

I’ve listened to lots of them.

However, the speech that David wrote for me

really grabbed my audience’s attention

– even had them smiling

- and I’m NOT a Funny Guy!

Luckily, David is one

and I cannot recommend him more highly!" 


-Stephen Hans,

Labor and Employment Counsel,

Stephen D. Hans and Associates, NYC

"David's books are funny, informative, and great fun

for anyone who likes to laugh.

David helps others transform their ideas into expert concepts

with much greater appeal to agents and editors alike.

And that's no joke! "


-Larry Wilde,

"America's Best-Selling Humorist"

according to the New York Times

"Your brochure captured the spirit of our cage-free facility! 

David and his team were very easy to work with,

and we appreciate the time you spent getting to know

why we’re really better than other pet-boarding businesses." 


-Kris & Brian,

Owners, Paradise Ranch Pet Resort


"Even though I've written twelve books,

David Samson is still one of the first people I talk to

when I must have professional, useful insights.

He makes everything clearer, brighter, and sharper,

particularly in the humor department!"


-P. Cooper,

Best-Selling Author

"I am a founding member of the Firesign Theatre.  

I've been nominated for three Grammy awards

for Best Comedy Albums.

I am really, really funny --

oh yes, and so are you David!


working with you

on the book

"Doom With A View!" 


-Peter Bergman

Award Winning Humorist

"I didn't think it could be done.

But David Samson took the uncomfortable subject

of Long Term Care Insurance

and made it something witty and irresistible.

I've used David's creative services

in different media, as well as in sales materials,

and his ideas always gets a big chuckle from my clients.

More importantly, it gets me a checks from them!"


-Philip Reinstein,

Capital Dynamics Insurance Specialists

"You're entire point-of-view is very interesting

and lots of fun.

David Samson's smart and clever approach

truly appeals to clients,

– especially those who have a brain! " 


-Patrica Fripp,

Past President,

National Speakers Association of America


"Totally out-of-the-box thinking.

I love all your creativity!

You uniquely illustrated the dilemmas

of maintaining integrity in the work place!"


-Jacob Blass,


Ethical Advocates

"David supplied the BEST answer

we've ever received from any marketing organization.

As a result of his efforts, two of our products,

Professional Speaking for the Clueless

and Self-Publishing for the Clueless

have been adopted by Toastmasters International

plus added to their international catalog

for distribution through 11,000 Toastmasters Clubs

throughout the world.

So it's no wonder that we recommend David

- his campaigns are making us money!


-Mike Rounds,

Rounds, Miller and Associates

"David Samson's input and expertise truly helped

accelerate the process of my book becoming a reality.

I can’t thank him enough

for all your time assisting me on this project.

Working with David Samson was memorable pleasure!"


-Dr. Suzanne Lopez,


The Smart Heart,

Putnam Books

"In my business, we're not talking just hammers and nails.

We're talking about renovating a family’s entire home.

I needed people to understand my design philosophy.

With David's superb Direct Mail campaign,

he communicated my point-of-view

powerfully and cleverly!"


-Jeff Nott,

Nott & Associates


"The experience of working with David Samson

should not be missed,

because it definitely is an experience

working with him!"


-Denice Silvestro,

Executive Editor,

Berkeley Publishing

"Business litigation is a highly specialized area.

David distilled a number of key points

into eye-catching print advertising.

The ads were both clever and cautionary

– what could happen if you didn’t hire

the best attorney to protect your company

and your vital interests.

David took a complex message

and made it bold and simple.

Targeting potential clients so that they could clearly understand

the benefits of working with me

as soon as possible." 


-Mark Anchor Albert ESQ.

Mark Anchor Albert & Associates,

Business Litigation Lawyers,

Los Angeles, CA

"Over the years, I've referred dozens

of photographers plus illustrators,

commercial directors and production houses to David.

Without exception, they all praised the promotional results,

and that in turn made me look really good."


-Ian Summers,


"The best!

David Samson's rather unique writing approach

is definitely consistent with tons of creativity.


-Thomas Safran,

Thomas Safran and Associates


"We worked with David on a Book Project.

Then David garnered strong interest from a

major TV and Film Production Company

in Hollywood, CA. 

for a Prime Time Show based on the book.

David is smart, professional, and

knows how to put a sellable package together!

He has both integrity

and a great sense of humor.

I truly enjoyed the time we worked together,

and look forward to future opportunities."


-William Liss Levinson,

PhD. Vice-President

- Castle Connolly Top Doctors,

a division of

Everyday Health Group, NYC

"Thanks David for all your services and professional advice.

I absolutely LOVE your talent

and will absolutely recommend you

at every opportunity!" 


-Debbie Robins,

Huffington Post

"David brings an extraordinary

amount of wit to the table. 

Plus he never lets his humor overshadow

the crucial strategic message."


-Gene Taylor,

Executive Creative Director,

Campbell-Ewald, NYC.

"David Samson is a true original

with a KILLER wit!" 


-Jackie Austin,

Pulitzer Prize Nominee

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All rights reserved.

Nothing contained in this site may be reproduced

for any reason

without the owner's advance written permission.

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